Spiral Growth

We tend to think in terms of linearity concerning time and growth. However, as you begin your journey of being still and going inward, you will start to discover the layers of self that, through exploration, you may expand your consciousness. When creating a daily practice, you will rediscover some old and new patterns that, with awareness, you can begin healing and releasing to create space for renewal.

Our soul encompasses our body, and as we begin to take responsibility for the energies we create through our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies, we can start aligning with our higher self.

“There is an Indian proverb that says that everyone is a house with four rooms: a physical, a mental, an emotional, and a spiritual. Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time, but unless we go into every room every day, even if only to keep it aired, we are not a complete person.”

-Rumer Godden



Through our physical experiences in the world and our psychology, we can begin to feel and heal. The strength we can draw from being physical can provide much energy. However, the balance of output versus input requires diligence.


Our intellect and analytical thought help us process the information we receive and create the reality in which we live. If we allow ourselves the discomfort of embracing cognitive dissonance, we can discern the various lenses, patterns, and layers that exist within.


We interpret the world through physical, mental, and emotional combinations. However, understanding which emotions guide you and which emotions override the current state of what is—learning how to heal on a cellular level.

Spiritual Body

Encompassing all living things and in connection to all that surrounds us both within and externally. Creating a union within allows for the alignment of all living creations to live in harmony with greater understanding and purpose.

Darci Brown

Soul Boost Meditation, led by the skilled spiritual strategist Darci Jean Brown, offers a transformational experience that strengthens your intuition and helps you develop habits and practices for spiritual hygiene. By connecting with your inner self and divine spirit, you can live a more authentic and fulfilling life in alignment with your true purpose.


Meditation Tips


Daily Practice